What does a glass of red wine have in common with a ripe tomato? Just the color red? What about to a bottle of sunscreen? Well funnily enough all three have something very amazing in common that only the sunscreen is known for, protect skin from the sun. Of course the sunscreen is the only one put right on the skin, compounds found in red wine and tomatoes can protect skin from the inside by making it less easily damaged by UV rays. These flavonoids have been found to significantly help skin repair itself from the damage that sun causes and even fortifies the skin against future burns and damage. While these are also found in quality chocolate and some other vegetables, they are highest in red wine and tomatoes.
This means that pasta with tomato sauce and a glass of red wine for dinner is more than a great simple meal, it is like extra sunscreen. While the effects may be subtle, the studies show that continued consumption of the compounds can have dramatic results over the years. Filling those three bottle wine totes regularly could actually fight the aging process. Sun damage causes its color, wrinkles, and spots by destroying cells on the skin surface but red wine can help increase healthy blood flow to the skin and deliver flavonoids to the skin for better healing and protection.
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