Technology really can make any part of life just that little bit easier for everyone, as proved by the new application for Apple’s Ipad. It can help you pick a wine to go with your meal by expertly informing you about the wines available, pairings and even hints from the growing region. It can help you find a wine based on price range or what you are planning to have for dinner. This wonderful new app from Three Elements Design is being put to the test in the Florida location of the III Forks restaurant in Jacksonville. While not a replacement for a paper wine list, it will help staff keep up on which wines are still available as each evening wears on.
But maybe the technology touch is something you want on your wine. Maybe you want the old fashioned touch instead. Well for those that think of wood barrels and candlelight when they think of good wine maybe a wine barrel stemware holder is better than an Ipad app. It is true that some people prefer the personal touch of a sommelier better, but it is just amazing all the places that technology has found a place for itself in daily life.
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