When knowledgeable wine drinkers talk about “a good year” they may still be talking about this year despite California’s meager grape harvest. This is because even though yields are at the lowest in … [Read more...]
Pumpkin Pairings
Late summer and early fall is harvesting time for pumpkins. Indeed they are everywhere around Halloween time, and not just for jack-o-lanterns. Cooking with pumpkin can be a rewarding experience for … [Read more...]
Muscato Dreams
Muscat is a variety of wild grape that is becoming very popular with wine lovers because it makes a wonderful wine. One of the striking differences between muscato wine and more typical wine made … [Read more...]
Tasting Tips
Sometimes a wine tasting can seem more like a quiz than an enjoyable evening when some of the people at a tasting keep saying words like bouquet, spicy, and oak; people unsure of the meaning of these … [Read more...]