While it is clear that decanting a wine softens and improves it, what happens to the wine on the molecular level? That is, why does merely sitting in a crystal wine decanters change a good wine so … [Read more...]
The Work of Making Wine Exceptional
There is a good deal of work that goes into making any bottle of wine. From the bargain to luxurious there are a plethora of expenditures of time and effort for the vintners. But what is it that makes … [Read more...]
National Wine Day
There are a slew of little known holidays in the U.S. that if people knew about them they would celebrate them. One such forgotten holiday is national wine day. National wine day falls on May 25, yes … [Read more...]
Wine and Barbeque
It is clearly and officially grilling season, where food is more commonly cooked on the grill than indoors and the most common sauce slathered on suddenly becomes BBQ sauce. The sweet tomato, vinegar … [Read more...]
Music and Wine Making
Thanks to the innovations of one Austrian, wine bottles may include a classical music piece on the label. Markus Bachmann is convinced that music is the key to getting a great glass of red or white. … [Read more...]