England has done it this time. They have come out with a genius single serving cup of wine. These plastic cups of wine with peel off tops are convenient and popular. The distributors can barely keep up with the demand for the single servings of Shiraz, Rose, and Chardonnay. They are a big hit that might be coming over to the states sooner rather than later if the popularity continues to increase.
These individual wine cups contain just over 6onces each and are only about $2.75, so they are very affordable. While the reviews for the wine are call it average at best, that is how boxed wines were at first. Surely with the demand so high they will branch off and improve the variety and quality available. Also it seems convenience seems to usually be more important than taste; taste will come though. The trend is expected to catch on in such places as airlines and people who have the problem with only occasionally wanting a glass of wine but not wanting the bottle to go to waste. This would be a great gift for someone interested in wine but timid about diving in, personalized wine gifts are the best. So while it is still a new trend with a few kinks to work out, it is a brilliant jump in convenient wine enjoyment.
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