Science has found many health benefits to wine especially red wines, which are loaded with natural antioxidants. Research has now found yet another benefit to red wine for those who like to consume a glass each day as part of a meal or evening treat.
Studies have actually shown that red wine when consumed in moderation with food or after meals will reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth that can cause cavities. While the study was done using non-alcoholic red wines to prove that it was a naturally occurring component of the grape and not the alcohol itself.
The lab experiments showed that Streptococcus mutans, which is the bacteria that can feed off sugars in the mouth to create cavities, was not allowed to bind to the teeth when red wine was consumed. It was concluded that naturally occurring proanthocyanidins in red wine were responsible for these results.
While there is still more research to be conducted from the dental perspective there are so many other benefits of red wine that this is just an added bonus. As the benefits that have been proven has increased sales in red wines and wine accessories the added benefit of possibly keeping cavities at bay is something that many wine lovers do not think about but can surely appreciate.