With Thanksgiving over, the holiday season is now in full swing as families, friends, and businesses start having holiday parties to celebrate the season. For many of these parties wine and cheese will play a big role in the festivities since this paring is so simple to serve and can be in casual to formal settings.
For those who may be in charge of setting up these parties deciding which wines to serve along with which cheeses may seem like a simple task but with so many choices the job can be overwhelming.
One popular way to decide is to feature the wine and cheese from a certain region and if you live in a area that has companies that produce these products local products make excellent choices.
By supporting local wineries and cheese makers during the holidays you will be hosting a great party and supporting a local business as well. Serve a variety of local wines along with quality local cheeses using fine wine glasses and cheese boards for a perfect party that will be appreciated by many and help introduce these products to even more individuals who may become customers.