While wine may have many health benefits that has more people than ever taking in a glass a day of their favorite vino for others the risk of headache was just not worth the reward. For some wine has the potential to trigger migraine headaches making it not worth the risk of tipping those wine glasses.
It is not the wine itself that triggers these headaches but instead yeast that is used in the winemaking process that introduces histamines in which many people have allergies to, creating a headache. For some wine drinkers a little wine will not produce these headaches but for others even the smallest sip will induce them. For some these headaches are mild while for others they are severe.
A biotechnologist has spent the last fifteen years researching, producing, and testing a new yeast variety that will not introduce any genetic material into wine and create headaches for those who consume it. While the use of this yeast has not been approved in all countries it is already being used in Canada and South America.
Of course there is still a stigma among wine producers of using new yeast as many are leery of changing their tried and true methods of producing wine in order to accommodate everyone. Many are traditionalists who do not like to admit that science can improve upon the bottle of wine.
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