Many novice wine enthusiasts are unsure why some wine is aged in barrels while other wines are aged only in glass bottles. For quality vineyards the aging process is a significant step in the process they use to make this beverage a true wine art. Aging wine in barrels will add roundness and bring out the fruity flavor of the wine. The oak in which the barrels are made of will also add a slight wood hint to the flavor that many consumers find appealing. For wines aged in glass the flavor just does not seem to come out quite as distinctly as those that are aged in barrels.
For years champagne has not been aged in barrels but a new trend has more and more of these sparkling wines spending some time in hard wood containers during the aging. In the early years champagne was aged in wood barrels but cost made this practice stop since stainless steel was so much more affordable. But more are turning to old school methods of aging to bring champagne back into the light as more than just a holiday beverage but a wine that can be enjoyed at any time of year.