Acid reflux can be a hard thing to have for wine fans considering all wines can trigger it. But with a plan and some acid-blockers, a wine lover can enjoy their true passion again. Different vintages have different effects on the drinkers’ acid reflux which is why no clear recommendation exists. Of course this does not mean that people with acid reflux must obstain completely, a few little tricks have been found.
While no clear answer can be given as to what wine will set off acid reflux, on average it is found that reds do not cause as much agitation as whites for sufferers of acid reflux. But responses are highly individualized and it may take a good deal of experimenting to find a wine that doesn’t trigger a bad reaction. Before sitting down to a glass it is also recommended by Dr. David A. Johnson, a fellow and past president of the American College of Gastroenterology and chief of gastroenterology at Eastern Virginia Medical School to take either a prescription or non-prescription acid blocker. Another trick that helps people be able to enjoy the finer consumptions in life is to try to lose a few pounds. Though it’s not certain if it is the actual losing weight or the eating healthier and exercising but acid reflux suffers benefit and isn’t triggered as easily. The easiest and only sure way to not trigger acid reflux though is to stick with some fine wine art most of the time.
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