A lot of the time in wine reviews there are certain wines that are said to be for drinking now. This can be a bit alarming to some readers, which makes it strange that the phrase is still used to frequently. This phrase doesn’t mean that if a wine isn’t drank immediately it will turn to vinegar or anything so extreme as that. The phrase drink now just means that reviewer decided this particular wine would not benefit or even change from any extended amount of bottle aging; it is at its best right now.
An example of a wine best drank now would be a fresh and juicy rose wine. They can keep for a long amount of years but really are just as the day they are put in stores as when they are a decade old. This brings up the interesting point that some wine is great when young, making it easy to seem the wine expert in front of friends. Fill three bottle wine totes with two wines to drink now and one to age. Friends will see this care and knowledge as to what is good now and what can age, soon they may ask for advice too.
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