Few things in the wine world are as confusing as the process of adding oxygen to wine to enhance its flavor. While it is confusing enough trying to decide which wines to take these steps with then there is the subtle differences between user a decanter or an aerator.
While both a decanter and an aerator both achieve the same goal and do so effectively the one huge difference is the speed in which they expose the wine to the oxygen. By pouring wine through a Ravenscroft Crystal Long Neck Aerating Funnel it will be broken down where more wine is exposed to oxygen and at a faster rate. With a decanter less wine surface is exposed and for the best results it should really be left overnight before enjoying.
For times when a wine is needed with dinner the aerator is the better option, but when you have time to prepare ahead a crystal decanter can get the job done. Of course not all wines need to have this process done on them as not all will benefit from being exposed to air in order to improve flavor. Young Bordeaux and even cabernet sauvignon can benefit but if in doubt speak with the wine expert at your local shop.
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