Going out to eat at a nice restaurant is not usually something you do if you are on any kind of budget, but no one can say that they don’t like to save a little if it is easy to do. Well one way to save a little is to know how to find a good wine on the wine list without heading straight to the top, because the most expensive wines on the list are not the only good ones.
The bottom end of the typical wine list is actually the worst deal, not only because the wine is usually of poor quality, but because it has been shown that it has the highest markup. Going higher up the list gives you better quality with a lower markup. Another great thing to do is to look up the restaurants wine list online. This can keep you from making a snap decision that turns out to be a bad one. Another way to show how wine savvy and smart you are is to have some nice wine art in your home. It is little things like that can really make people respect you for your immense wine knowledge.
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