What is that element of a wine that makes it age so well, or remain as constant as the migration of geese? This is an effect of the structure of the wine; it’s the purely scientific breakdown of the different components of the wine. Completely separate from the taste and aroma of the wine is its structure, how much alcohol and tannins the wine has. A wine with good levels of these things will age beautifully where as a wine with a lack or excess in any of these compounds can resist change thoroughly or even be damaged by the passing of time.
While there is little telling a wine’s structure before opening the bottle, professionals take the structure into account sometimes with their reviews of a wine. Read these to look for clues, or buy multiple bottles once finding a particular vintage to have a good structure. Take into mind though that there is a trick to telling the structure of a wine, one that can be taught with classes as well as years of experience and checking with professionals. Just keep at the hard work wither it is to share wine knowledge with friends or make a stellar wine cellar that is the envy of all. Six bottle wine carriers may not seem enough once the secret of telling a wines structure becomes easy for one. But then again maybe the wine cellar will have to be expanded to for those growing collections.
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