Saturday, Sangria, & Shrimp. #saturday #shrimp #sangria #bestdayever … [Read More...]
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The Curious Story of White Pinot Noir
White Pinot Noir is a somewhat unknown wine, still not known among a broader category of wine enthusiasts. With several versions and clones popping up throughout the years, … [Read More...]

Californians will soon be able to (legally) drink at a salon or barbershop
Ever wanted a cold one while getting your hair done? Well if you live in California now you can. The author describes the recent law passed into effect that allows businesses … [Read More...]

Avocado: all the health benefits of this superfood
Avocados are considered a super-food because they have many health benefits, and can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Avocados can help to boost your immune system because … [Read More...]

Health Watch: Alcohol, Fertility and Inside Sommeliers’ Brains (Wine Spectator)
Most doctors and health groups try to discourage women from drinking alcohol completely while pregnant. However, there's little research done on alcohol's impact on … [Read More...]

Champagne corks – ask Decanter
In responding to an inquiry of why champagne corks have a mushroom shape, Dr Paulo Lopes reveals that the cork's absorption of carbon dioxide from champagne leads to the … [Read More...]

The win-win of shipping more wine to your door
By Rhino Wino
Oenophiles are finding new ways to order their favorite wine. It is possible now to ship wines … [Read More...]

Day 31 of 31 Days of Halloween wine labels.
By Rhino Wino
The best was saved for last. Vampire merlot is the perfect end to our wine label journey. From … [Read More...]

Day 30 of 31 Days of Halloween wine labels.
By Rhino Wino
So a skeleton walks into a bar and says pour me a Malbec. The bartender says... Ahhh talking … [Read More...]

Day 29 of 31 Days of Halloween wine labels.☠️
By Rhino Wino
Skull and crossbones add the perfect look to a bottle labeled Poizin. Spoiler alert it's a … [Read More...]

Day 28 of 31 Days of Halloween wine labels.
By Rhino Wino
This Red brings out the Hell Hound. Check out those fangs. … [Read More...]